Thursday, August 13, 2009

Of Transient Time - 3WW CL (Capture, Jinx, Qualify)

As the sun melts
into the bay
the captured blood
of the passing day

Quickly traverses
the water's surface
like veins in ripples
the current traces

Feelings of loss
jinx the sultan's swing
straddles the horizon
and the waters bring

Skeptical thoughts
of shadows and time
qualify fears
of transient time


Mark said...

This has a pace and rhythm to it that make it really enjoyable to read.

Tumblewords: said...

A nice, smooth read - and the title works very well!

gautami tripathy said...

Wonderful title.

It flows beautifully!

fired blue vase

Kill Word Verification

Linda Jacobs said...

Love the "captured blood"! I've seen this and felt it, too. Good one!

April said...

What a beautiful image you created with your words.

Stan Ski said...

Atmospheric imagery - great read.

asleeponmyfeet said...

I rather enjoyed that. Thanks for the post. Your style has a certain flair that makes it read itself, if that makes any sense.