Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Crash Horizon - 3WW CLXXII (Jolt, Ribbon, Zeal)

With a jolt
silence shattered
torn and tattered

Lost in sight
plain and simple
ribbons bleached
and fabric wrinkled

Drink the sound
of misplaced zeal
stoke the fire
and senses reel

Crash horizon
in dixie cup
ride the rainbow
thought interrupt


pia said...

I like this. Each stanza makes me think. Love the urgency of the first line in each stanza

Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

I'm with Pia on this. You sit back and sip each stanza, getting the marrow out of each before moving on.

Andy Sewina said...

Yeah, love the rhymes, reads quite fast with a little beat.


Tumblewords: said...

Nice rhythm and flow in this as well as some fine lines and thoughts!

Julie JordanScott said...

Quite lovely to read aloud. Mmmmm. THANK YOU!

Dee Martin said...

it looks like it sounds - the jolt, the shattering, the thought interrupt. Loved it.

Anya Padyam said...

Wonderful rhyming going... each stanza a powerful one and goes together well.

one more believer said...

who knew what was in the bottom of an unfilled dixie cup...and the idea of riding a the back of a bucking horse...