Tuesday, August 04, 2009

The Singularity - Carry on Tuesday #12 (The story is in the journey, not the destination)

Our final destination is always the same
only our journeys remember our name

Digital journey, a breadcrumb fable
indexed, sampled, semantically stable

Swallowed by circuits, processed by silicon
Preserved by storage in a cloud of intercon

Transcribed, distributed, digital, immortal
Sorted by media, ubiquitously available

Our destination - where our carbon's replaced
by an avatar of texts, mails, blogs and trace

Our story is our journey, our destination

The Singularity.


Dee Martin said...

You're speaking my geeky language here - I love this line "where our carbon's replaced
by an avatar of texts, mails, blogs and trace"

anthonynorth said...

Very original. loved it.

Larry McCay said...


I've been intrigued by the idea of a sort of evolution into a digital representation of ourselves based on a couple things:

1. having lost a couple people for which I still have IM logs, emails, etc

2. reading too much Cyberpunk - William Gibson, Neil Stephenson

3. The Singularity - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Technological_singularity

Thought that it made for an interesting twist on our story, journey and destination.

venuss66 said...

Very real. Well said.

cyclopseven said...
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cyclopseven said...

This one, gives the brain a good work. Interesting.

Unknown said...

This was the most original one I've read! I can tell that somewhere along the way you've read SciFi too!

Gemma Wiseman said...

You have captured the new world of webbed relationships beautifully! A lively piece!