Saturday, August 08, 2009

The Day We Part - Sunday Scribblings #175 (New)

after a life of
only twenty two
what has celebrated once
is ordained anew

taken too soon
in a moment's sound
a heavenly birthday
replaces earthly bound

a nephew, a son, a brother,
a man
delivered to the heavens
fate's unfeeling hand

leaning on the stairwell
as I heard the news
my heart stopped beating
my blood running slow

how could he be gone
and the world still turn
world consuming drama
and my heart in a churn

can we have two birthdays
one of earth and one beyond
the day we enter - conception
the day we part - being born


Larry McCay said...
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Coll said...

Beautifully written. You sum up the heart wrenching year we all have just endured. You leave me with a sense of hope, that he is now where he should be, watching over all of us, until our time to be with him again.

Larry McCay said...

I miss you Mikey - Happy Heavenly Birthday.

Sherri B. said...

This is incredibly's so hard to describe the pain of losing someone we love, but you expressed it so well. My heart swelled with the heartache of loss as I read this.

George S Batty said...

Death is tragic.. when it happens to a loved one it tears your heart apart. Nothing can fix it. your poem is awesome a great tribute to someone you cared for.

when the musics over said...

This is a beautiful heartfelt expression. Even more poignant knowing you wrote this on the anniversary of your nephews death, Larry. I completely relate to your idea of moving on to the next realm as a birthday of sorts. Nicely done!

Dee Martin said...

Beautiful and sad - grief is such a confusing thing. Life goes on and it will sneak up on us out of no where and feel like it was yesterday even when years have passed.

floreta said...

wow, very heartfelt poem. death is part of the cycle.

Bobbie said...

Lovely flow, conveying feelings all to familiar, yet a message so true.