Sunday, February 07, 2010

Vagabond Princess - Sunday Scribblings #201 (Message)

Waiting for the message to bring her back from exile
the vagabond princess was banished sans trial

Main street palace of cardboard and plastic
from trashcans and trolley are fashions ecstatic

Ballroom gown of raincoats and vinyl
lipstick applied crooked thick with a smile

Ignored by passersby in the cold of the night
our princess is frozen to the very thought of her plight

Eyes fixed wide with dream finally realized
compassionate message ends her earthly exile


Thom Gabrukiewicz said...

this has a sad beauty to it, and I mean that in such a good way.

Anonymous said...

Very moving. A bittersweet moment. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

A thought provoking response to the prompt. I enjoyed this very much.

Titaxy said...

touching. loved it!

Lilibeth said...

I wonder how many messages are answered in just this way?

JP/deb said...

Although I don't understand all of it I know this vagabond princess is sending her message across the wires of time ...

Chapter Forty said...

At least she made a fashion statement while she was here, oh and a bit of recycling.


Americanising Desi said...

sad yet beautiful!

Unknown said...

You are an excellent writer.
What a big message
delivered via
simple verse.
I am reading some of the Sunday Scribbling posts tonight. Glad I clicked on yours.