Monday, January 25, 2010

One True Way - Sunday Scribblings #199 (Yes)

Swallowing the energy that surrounds you
your senses fall away

Replaced by peaceful resignation
that Yes is the one true way

Trained on direction not destination
our sight's on the path today

Somewhere out on that horizon
the hours - they drift away

Strengthened by the power of acceptance
only the truth of the journey can say



Archna Sharma said...

And when the Universe puts it into motion, all that you can do is say yes. Lovely.

Dee Martin said...

I love that line : "trained on direction not destination" well said!

Titaxy said...

love it! the last two lines especially.

Beth Camp said...

The ending line resonates with me -- "only the truth of the journey can say". Lovely. And thank you for visiting my post.