My hands...
open the curtains of your being
My eyes...
drink in the softness of your seeing
Storm casts shadows on your wall
crescendo builds as tremors fall
My head...
spins in island scented mystery
My heart...
aches in solitude's aimless destiny
Darkness warms with coming light
washes shadows from hazed sight
My hands...
close the curtains of our being
open the curtains of your being
My eyes...
drink in the softness of your seeing
Storm casts shadows on your wall
crescendo builds as tremors fall
My head...
spins in island scented mystery
My heart...
aches in solitude's aimless destiny
Darkness warms with coming light
washes shadows from hazed sight
My hands...
close the curtains of our being
very nice. I have read you before.
you wite good poetry
Enjoyed reading this write."darkness warms with coming light
washes shadows from hazed sight"
was too good.
Liked reading this poem very much. Well done my friend.
love, Melanie
Nicely done love your writing and your poems have you ever considered writing flash fiction? I think you'd enjoy it we have quite a large group that gets together and write our fifty five word story we then post them to our own blog but we let Galen know on his blog so he and all the others can come and read them also. mr knowitall is the man that came up with this idea. check out his site by clicking the top link the bottom link is to my blog
This Blog Of Mine
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