Saturday, September 05, 2009

PKI - Sunday Scribblings #179 (Key)

symmetric, shared and complex
crossed, twisted and indexed
strength, advanced and subtle
stored, protected and troubled

revealing, initimate and true
exchanging, public and shrewd
imported, aliased and trusted
revoked, verified and busted

compromised, exposed and stolen
authenticated, engineered and golden
cracked, violated and ruined
scored, rated and truant

pubic, private and essential
sniffed, spoofed and elemental


Sandra.if said...

an accurate description...

gautami tripathy said...

Some great words used in there..

I hold myself in the doorway

Dee Martin said...

I enjoyed the flow of the word choices in this

Heliotropism said...

Keys are much more powerful than we think. They can unlock so many things. Well written!